This form must be completed for each individual source item you need digitized (e.g. each DVD you would drop off). Please fill out the form as best you can. Mandatory fields are marked by .
Once you submit this form you will receive a confirmation number and you can drop off any source materials with this number attached. Drop-offs are made any time we are open at the MMLC Equipment Checkout Counter.
Cecile will email you to confirm the next steps.
Thank you for your request. Your confirmation number is:
You'll receive an email within two business days if you have not yet dropped off your source materials. Source materials may be dropped off (with your confirmation number attached) to the MMLC Equipment Checkout Counter for Cecile.

You may also be contacted via email to schedule a consultation meeting (necessary for certain requests, such as if the material needs to be edited in any way). If necessary, an MMLC staff member may access your Canvas Course in order to complete your request.