Matt Taylor

Hello, I’m Matt Taylor.  I am the IT Director and general Director of the Media and Design Studio, which is just a fancy way to say that I supervise all things digital, and that I help orchestrate the activities unit as an a whole. In this capacity, I’m happy to rely on the support and assistance of our immediate peers in Weinberg IT Solutions and the counsel of our Advisory Board.

My background is in Computer Engineering, but my life passions have always included study of languages and cultures, which started with a year abroad in France during high school. Added to this is an opportunity to explore Digital Humanities, where my interest in the interplay between qualitative and quantitative methods takes shape. I am particularly interested in how authority and veracity are established and the econometrics of human qualities that are somewhat hard to measure, such as happiness. Given my love for technology, love for language, and curiosity in seeking the truth, I certainly ended up in the right place!

Faculty should feel welcome to contact me with project proposals or special requests of the department and its staff. I’m here to help everyone find the answers and solutions they need.